Станьте амбассадором или партнером Velas
Velas предлагает множество преимуществ для KOLs, амбассадоров и других партнеров. Подайте заявку сегодня!
Программа Velas для KOL и амбассадоров
Если ваша аудитория насчитывает более 200 тысяч подписчиков, мы приглашаем вас присоединиться к нашей программе для KOLs и амбассадоров.

Огромные вознаграждения. Все KOL Velas получают максимальное вознаграждение в зависимости от уровня партнерства.
Продажи токенов. Velas KOL первыми узнают о будущих событиях, связанных с токенами, и участвуют в частных продажах.
Команда первого дня. Обдумайте и реализуйте все свои возможности, работая с командой первого дня.
Доступ к "плюшкам". Получите мгновенный доступ к специальным инструментам, новейшим функциям, маркетинговой поддержке, привилегиям участия в таких программах, как Velas Labs, и многое другое.
Q&A о программе KOL
Что такое KOL?
A person equipped with in-depth crypto expertise, able to provide niche product promotion opportunities can be defined as a key opinion leader (KOL). More commonly, KOLs are called influencers by the mass audience. That’s a rash term to use, however, as specialists in crypto trading and analysis are deemed KOLs when they can help endorse a crypto project.
Как подать заявку на участие?
In order to apply for a program, you should have at least 200K followers, be a crypto enthusiast and willing to promote Velas and its product amongst your audience. You need proof that you have a real audience and a clear growth rate of your social media networks. Your choice of social media channels does not matter for our program; you can own and run channels on Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc. Feel free to fill the form to become a part of Velas Family and get access to all the benefits Velas` KOLs get. Check out the presentation for more details.
Как вы отбираете кандидатов? Почему 200 тысяч?
Candidates are to be selected by Velas` internal team. We will review all the applications and contact the candidates who meet all requirements for further stages of the role discussion. We see our candidates for the KOL role as big crypto guys with a massive audience (at least 200K is a decent stat in our opinion) and we are ready to properly reward their support. If you want to become a part of Velas team but lack followers, we would be happy to see you in our program for content distributors.
В чем разница между KOLs и инфлюенсерами?
The difference is that KOLs must have an experience, understanding, and influence in the crypto niche (these can be famous traders, analysts, crypto enthusiasts etc.) in order to push projects. Talking about influencers, in turn, any well-known person from any sphere (sports, music, art, etc.) with an impact on his/her audience can help spread knowledge about Velas and help to grow the Velas brand.
Как это документируется?
Velas is an official Swiss company with a high-quality legal department, thus, we will discuss each case separately in order to meet the interests at both ends of the bargain and make it all as transparent as possible to avoid any issues in the future.
Какие преимущества продвижения Velas?
First of all, you will become a part of the Velas core team with access to all early insights about the project, token events, and upcoming releases. We will reward our KOLs with maxed out rewards based on the partnership level. And, of course, we will guarantee access to all the features, marketing opportunities, and other privileges granted by Velas.
Программа Velas для дистрибьюторов контента и шиллеров/репостеров
Хотите присоединиться к нашей армии, чтобы делиться информацией о Velas по всему миру? Мы создали специальную программу для шиллеров/репостеров.

Получайте награды в $VLX. Мы награждаем распространителей контента в токенах $VLX.
Публичные продажи. Будьте в числе первых с лучшими условиями на публичных продажах.
Контент. Получите доступ к последним новостям Velas и премиум-контенту, чтобы создавать и распространять контент для еще больших наград .
Q&A о программе шиллеров и дистрибьюторов контента
Кто такие шиллеры? Что нужно сделать, чтобы стать им?
Distributors help crypto communities to promote assets (tokens, coins) across specific cryptocurrency market niches. In order to become one, you need to be able to grab the interest of people in communities, motivating them to choose the crypto you are pushing.
Becoming a crypto distributor is pretty simple:
- have an understanding and experience in crypto;
- have access to crypto resources and chats or, better yet, have your own crypto enthusiast audience;
- be ready to spend a couple of hours a day to promote a coin;
And that's it. You`re welcome aboard.
Как подать заявку на участие?
Looking to become a crypto distributor and content distributor? Just fill out the form and we will contact you shortly if you fit all the requirements, which include:
- knowledge and experience in crypto;
- access to crypto marketing sources and chats or, better yet, your own crypto enthusiast audience;
- an ability to invest a couple of hours a day to promote a coin, events, and content;
- being a Velas fan and have a desire to push the project forward toward the new heights;
Как вы отбираете кандидатов?
Candidates are to be selected by the Velas` internal team. We will review all the applications and contact the candidates who meet all requirements for further stages of the role discussion.
В чем разница между KOL и шиллером?
KOLs must have their own crypto community to promote the project and push the coin growth. If you feel that you could be the one, please see our program for KOLs and influencers. It’s not obligatory, however, to have an audience to become a distributor. It's enough to have an understanding of how the crypto world works and have access to crypto chats and communities.
Как это документируется?
Velas is an official Swiss company with a high-quality legal department, thus, we will discuss each case separately in order to meet the interests at both ends of the bargain and make it all as transparent as possible to avoid any issues in the future.
Какие преимущества продвижения Velas?
We appreciate your time and work. That's why we offer a fair reward in $VLX or other tokens. The amount will be discussed in each case separately depending on the efficiency of distribution the distributor is doing. As a distributor, you also get access to the latest Velas news, events, and updates. Furthermore, you will be among the first to join all major public sales to get the best sales terms.
Наша программа для дев. адвокатов и тех. амбассадоров
Если у вас есть опыт работы в области разработки от 3 лет и вы готовы продвигать Velas, мы приглашаем вас присоединиться к нашей программе.

Награды и преимущества. Только тех. амбассадоры и дев. адвокаты могут получать вознаграждения в $VLX и/или других токенах.
Гибкое партнерство. Мы предлагаем гибкие условия и приглашаем разработчиков и тех. амбассадоров присоединиться к нашей компании на условиях полной занятости, частичной занятости или на контрактной основе.
Полная адаптация. Оставайтесь на одной волне с нашей командой профессионалов и получайте опыт работы над лучшими проектами рынка с лучшими в своем деле.
Дополнительные возможности. Делитесь своими знаниями с сообществом разработчиков Velas, участвуйте в хакатонах и станьте лицом Velas Labs.
Q&A для дев. адвокатов и тех. амбассадоров
Какие основные требования для участия?
A perfect candidate should possess proper tech skills and be able to understand the specific problems that crypto developers may face. We are seeking at least 3 years of development experience in crypto and readiness to share your knowledge with the world. A huge advantage would be the skill of public speaking, strong verbal and written communication, and the ability to listen to people’s concerns and develop actionable plans for addressing them.
Какие обязанности разработчиков в рамках программы?
We expect our perfect dev advocate to:
- help us to create tutorials on how to build different projects on Velas;
- help us to organize online/offline events (hackathons, webinars, side events, etc.) for developers;
- assist our marketing team to create video materials (like workshops and other tech videos);
- occasionally take part in AMA sessions as a tech expert;
- Proofread tech-related content;
We are looking for a universal soldier and a tech mentor to our marketing team.
Какие преимущества для тех. амбассадоров?
We appreciate your time and work. That's why we are paying a fair reward in $VLX or other tokens. The amount will be discussed in each case separately based on working conditions the candidate will choose. There is also a unique opportunity to become a face of Velas Labs - join us on a full-time basis, and grow your personality together with Velas. Furthermore, you will get access to all benefits that Velas provides: marketing support; early access to updates and features; and much more.
В чем разница между дев. адвокатом и тех. амбассадором?
Developer advocate is an in-house Velas tech support role. This specialist will deep dive into Velas Blockchain technology to help marketing and other departments to contact different tech activities and events.
A tech ambassador is more like a crypto entrepreneur with their own crypto community which will help Velas team to connect with talented devs in order to build more projects on Velas and grow the Velas ecosystem.
Присоединяйтесь к Velas в качестве менеджера сообщества
Хотите возглавить сообщество амбициозных любителей блокчейна? Присоединяйтесь к нашей программе для комьюнити менеджеров!

Гибкая система наград. Менеджеры сообщества Velas получают вознаграждения в $VLX и/или других токенах.
Всегда на связи. Встречайтесь с нашими комьюнити-менеджерами по всему миру, поддерживайте связь с основной командой и руководителями команд для оптимизации работы и достижения результатов.
Гибкая работа. Работайте из любой точки мира, организуйте встречи с местным сообществом, ведите семинары и мероприятия.
Q&A для менеджеров сообществ
Какие основные обязанности комьюнити-менеджера?
We see our perfect candidate as the heart of the Velas community he/she's responsible for. It should be a person who likes to communicate and share his/her thoughts in written and verbal form.
- responding to comments and customer queries in a timely manner;
- sharing useful content regularly (How to use Velas Wallet, How EVM works, etc.);
- translating articles, press-releases, announcements, etc. into your native language;
- monitoring and reporting on feedback and online reviews;
- organizing and participating in events to build community and boost brand awareness;
- coordinating with Marketing, PR, and Communications teams to ensure brand consistency;
- staying up-to-date with crypto & technology trends;
Какие основные требования для того, чтобы стать менеджером сообщества?
Velas community is multinational, so we are open to cooperate with community managers worldwide: from Japan to Mexico. All we look for is:
- Proven work experience as a community manager (at least 6m.);
- Advanced level of English or higher + advanced level of your native language (speaking & writing);
- Experience launching community initiatives (e.g., contests, voice chats, quizzes for community; webinars; offline events, etc.);
- Ability to identify and track relevant community metrics;
- Excellent verbal communication skills;
- Excellent writing skills;
- Understanding of crypto industry and desire to promote Velas brand;
Является ли эта должность оплачиваемой?
Yes, we appreciate your time and work. That's why we are paying a fair reward in $VLX or other tokens. The amount will be discussed in each case separately based on the terms of cooperation.
Должен ли я свободно говорить по-английски?
Yes, the ability to communicate freely in English is necessary because you need to cooperate with Marketing, PR, and other Velas` departments as well as participate in activities that are held for the international community.
Сколько времени я должен уделять мониторингу сообщества?
You need to check the chats for new requests every 2-3 hours daily. There is no need to monitor the community very often, but consistency is very important for us. If there is a specific time you`re not able to work, we are ready to discuss custom schedules.
Нужен ли мне опыт работы с криптовалютами?
Yes, understanding the crypto industry is very important in this role. You have to be an expert for the community members and be able to respond to the most tricky questions and requests. Furthermore, as a community manager, you are the face and the voice of the Velas brand, so we want you to be the crypto genius and a creative mega mind in one bottle.