Hackathons & workshops
Hackathons and workshops are the places where developers meet, build, and achieve new frontiers with Velas blockchain

Hackathon winners can win various prizes from the Velas labs

Get professional support from our mentors and core team. Share your knowledge with other developers

Meet new co-founders to build future projects and stay connected with the Veles core team

Hackathon winners get extra funding and go through acceleration programs by the Velas labs
Past events
See what ambitious developers achieved building projects on the fastest blockchain on the market!
See how it looks
Velas organizes both online and offline hackathons and workshops. Developers can enjoy simple friendly vibes, get support from the Velas mentors and core team, and collaborate with other developers.
Invite a friend
Want to visit an upcoming hackathon or workshop together with your friends? Invite them by sending an invitation to the messenger.

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